Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baaaaad Blogger. Very Bad.

I've been neglecting this. I'm not going to make excuses.

Well, yes I am. Here they are:

1. I went straight from ending one show to doing 5 days/week of rehearsal on another! The Secret Garden is going to be fabulous. All tickets and info can be found Here:

2. I've been WRITING more. Up to 2 articles per issue of David's Voice, media output for the nanny office, and translations for a version of The Impresario, to be performed this October.

3. I am working 4 jobs right now: babysitting regularly for a family, working at the nanny office, writing, and FINALLY teaching! I have 6 students so far but am hoping to have a full week's load by this fall. I'm hoping to focus on teaching, writing and singing. It's been an uphill battle to be patient, and keep at the other jobs while my student roster builds. Some days I leave at 7:30am and don't return home until 10:30pm, after working 7 hours babysitting, 2 of teaching, and 3 of rehearsal...with driving in between.

Still, that's no excuse for not keeping up with the blog. I will do better...especially with upcoming opera and recital work, which is sure to bring some new discovery begging to be blogged about.

1 comment:

  1. I get so excited every time I see a new post! I love your blog :)
