Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another year flown by

Today I am Twenty-mumblyjoe-years-old. It didn't hit me until this past weekend when I received the MONC district program for this upcoming weekend's competition. Since it is an age-sensitive program, they list your age next to your name and repertoire. Because singing in front of judges and mankind isn't exposed enough. I keep hoping that it will get easier to age, but from what I've been told, it doesn't, and the best way to muddle through is with denial and wine. Except singers can't drink too much wine :) so bring on the denial!

I cannot enjoy this birthday, however, because I have an article due tomorrow by noon and an audition tomorrow morning, and a competition and audition on Saturday, and a masterclass Sunday. Hopefully by the end of this weekend, there will be wine and a more insightful blog post about the aforementioned happenings. Time to strap on my singing hat! (The one with horns)

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