Thursday, May 20, 2010

This crazy business of show.....

The last 3 days have been QUITE eventful...not sure if I can accurately recap, but I'll try:

-the family in France accepted me!
-I sent off materials (passport copy etc.) to be processed by the agency.
-was beside myself with excitement over living so CLOSE to Geneva for almost a year

Then, this morning:
-got an email from a YAP that I thought had turned me down, but turns out I was waitlisted and...I got in!
-the problem is it runs for 6 months....3 two month shifts (it's triple-cast)

now, I know none of this is a "problem"....I'm not lying around saying "Oh, poor me, I simply CAN'T go to France yet because I am in such demand HERE"'s more a matter of impeccable cosmic timing - or mistiming.

So, I'm trying to finagle everything, like the multi-tasker extraordinaire that I fancy myself to be. I am trying to keep my October opera, do this tour, and simply push back going to france until early next year.

Wish me luck! oh, and while luck is being wished for that, Please come see/wish luck for:

recital in Mary Sauer's studio tomorrow night, Fine Arts Building, Chicago

S.O.N.G. recital with Beacon Street Chamber, Sunday, 3pm, Fine Arts Building, Chicago

recital with Jon and Eric Hiller, Thursday, 7:30pm, UCC Bethany Church, 4250 N. Paulina st. Chicago
Sunday, 3pm, Resurrection Lutheran Church, 3303 N. Seminary Ave., Chicago

POWERing through this next week. woot.

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