Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good Audition = Good Day

So I had an audition today for an operetta and it went really well. I sang, and then they (the audition panel) asked me to read some lines from the script. This is good because they were only asking people to read if they were impressed with their voice and considering them for a lead role. I was super psyched to make an impression on them, and think that I did - they were laughing the entire time I was reading, and at the end said "that was so a good way!" So I was happy.

And this happiness leads me to the conclusion that I let my general outlook and attitude be affected/based on how I think I'm doing at auditions. This is a little troubling - I'd like to have a stable somewhat positive emotional level at all times in my life, regardless of how I perceive I'm doing career-wise. I think that comes from making auditioning just another part of my "job", like performing or lessons or teaching. It's hard to convince yourself of that, though, because there is an adrenaline rush from auditions that sets it apart from the other aspects of the career. It's great to feel good about an audition that went well, but I wish that auditioning didn't affect my mood so much - positively or negatively.

For now, though, I'm riding the high.

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