Tuesday, December 22, 2009

...Except when you CAN'T sing tomorrow

All of the intense crazy singing gigs over the last 2 weeks have rendered me speechless...literally. My voice sounds very scratchy today. It doesn't bode well for the xmas eve and day masses that I'm scheduled to sing. But I will go into cord protection mode: no talking or singing (luckily I've learned the pieces I need to sing so I don't have to stress over practicing them), lots of Throat Coat and Gypsy Cold Care tea, a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar in every drink (disgusting, but it works), and sleeping as much as possible. 48 hours of that should cure the hoarseness. Occupational hazard, but it shouldn't last long.


  1. water water water water (warm not hot tea w/ honey) water water water water!

  2. BTW, have you noticed that this page is very very very very pink?
