Friday, July 30, 2010

Sorry about the Haitus

I have blogged FAR less frequently this are my excuses:

-I had rehearsals for shows with 2 different opera companies
-I am MOVING tomorrow and that is consuming my life this week
-I haven't had as many coachings and lessons and this makes me far less insightful into my singing and performing. This is a bad trait and I am working on finding my own inspirations...also next month I will work harder to GET those coachings and lessons as audition season is fast approaching :)

poor excuses, I know, but at least they're real. I will be back in a few days with a fresh approach to everything!

now back few boxes will carry my life's possessions?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Too Much, Too Little, Not Enough

So about a month ago I had an arsenal of work lined up ahead of me:

Eternal Tao
Pirates of Penzance Tour

and now I have the following lined up
concert with Vox 3
concert with Kyra Saltman, Cellist
Eternal Tao
Pirates Tour

PLUS auditions, coachings (once my beloved coach Yasuko gets back into town from all of HER summer programs), moving (hopefully at the end of this month), and still freelance babysitting/teaching.

So it would appear that I am TOO busy, and have a lot going on. Which I do. But it is all lined up over the next 5 months. And when I go about my day to day routine, it seems remarkably underwhelming. I am so used to having incredible amounts of stress in my life, and thriving on them. Now that I don't have school to schedule my life for me, I worry that I'm not working out my own timetables/finances/role prep adequately.

I think I have to be more organized, and set aside specific times between jobs for learning specific pieces of music/shows.

Bring on the spreadsheets.

Monday, July 12, 2010

It's been awhile.

My time this past week and a half has been eaten up by DRIVING and Dido and Aeneas.

The show went very well...this whole summer experience has taught me that I CAN in fact learn music at a fast and efficient clip.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess) the music learning won't have time to slow down. I go into Boheme rehearsals in 2 days...I have begun rehearsing for my Guggenheim opera in October...I have a recital with my roommate, Kyra, cellist, in September...and the Pirates of Penzance tour begins rehearsing in a few months as well.

I am discovering more and more the need for a strict Practice schedule on my part. My "real" job as a babysitter/music teacher is somewhat sporadic, so music learning is my top priority. I have become so accustomed to the structure that school provided for learning music in a timely fashion, and need to develop my own similarly structured time table for learning/memorizing/analyzing music on my own.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tech Week

I am heading into another tech week...this one for Dido. Thankfully, I've had today and half of yesterday off to recover from all the driving! And it was a well used break. I was able to spend time with my friends at several barbecue/parties. The only thing missing was Jon :( today was our 1 year anniversary of dating! And we celebrated with a Skype date. I will see him Wednesday when he flies back to Chicago, thank goodness.

This production should be absolutely wonderful. Amy Hutchison has been one of my favorite directors to date...always prepared, she has many good ideas but is also willing to work with and listen to our own. She has updated the production in some ways and made good use of the Baroque style of music, incorporating it into staging. I feel blessed to have worked with such a fun and talented cast.